Pathways To Education

Financial Literacy

This workshop focuses on the basics from banking to budgets and spending to saving strategies. The course includes hands-on, applied learning and targets those in the Overnight Guest Program.

Math (Applied Math)

This course shapes and strengthens basic math concepts and skills, as well as builds economic literacy. It includes concepts of statistics, measurements, algebra, and geometry, with an emphasis on critical thinking and problem solving.

Digital Literacy & Computer Lab

Prepares students for careers in IT, administration, warehouse, hospitality and healthcare. Classes are structured, on-line and self-paced and traditional teacher led courses.

Computer Skills, Entry-Level

This course is intended for students who have little to no knowledge of computers. Participants gain the fundamentals needed to succeed into today’s technology equipped society. Topics include basic, intermediate and advanced typing, mouse navigation, Microsoft Word, data organization and system management, internet basics, and Gmail/Google Apps.

Computer Skills, Intermediate 1

This course is intended for students who already have basic computer skills. Participants learn to use features of Microsoft Word needed to produce special projects, such as flyers, brochures, or calendars.

Computer Skills, Intermediate 2

This course is intended for students who are already fully knowledgeable of Microsoft Office Suite. Participants learn the fundamentals of working in the Cloud, creating PowerPoint presentations and Excel spreadsheets. Special sessions held include Cisco Information Technology Essentials certification.

Saylor Academy

-The Workforce and Development teaching team integrates Saylor Academy courses into the program to focus on basic education and for professional development/job training, to sharpen learning disciplines, and to earn credit toward a degree. Saylor Academy is a different learning model, offering the same learning quality of a traditional course. The courses are tuition-free and developed by college professors to provide easy-to-follow, self-paced learning-accessible through computer or a mobile device. Saylor credit courses are faculty created and reviewed, with quality assurance reviews resulting in sought after college credit recommendations from the American Council on Education (ACE) and/or the National College Credit Recommendation Service.

Employment Assessments & Counseling

All guests are able to participate in employment and career planning. For RTP students the next step in the process includes career mapping, aptitude and other assessments, as well as pastoral, vocational counseling and accountability one-on-one sessions.

Professional Development

Professional Development is a three-day immersion training that focuses on workplace performance, reliability, and ethics. This training supports employees in the Restoration and Transformation Program who may need to polish their attitude, behavior, and character in the workplace.


Boot Camp is a two-week job readiness intensive class that offers students the skills, strategies, and tools to secure and sustain long-term employment and/or enroll in higher education or vocational training. During this intimate gathering, students work with their mentors and focus on developing their employment portfolio, mock interviews, managing rejection and refining their career map.



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