Mission Health & Wellness Kits

The many at-risk people who visit us daily at the Mission are often not well equipped to battle the ongoing threat of the deadly corona virus. You can help us help them be better prepared by making Mission Health & Wellness Kits. These kits are greatly appreciated and provide critical protection in today’s dangerous environment.

The kits are fun to make, easy to assemble and are a wonderful off-site opportunity for the Mission’s committed volunteers! Just take a quart-size plastic zip lock bag and fill it with any combination of the following:

  • 2-3 disposable masks
  •  2-3 pairs of disposable sanitary gloves
  •  travel-size antibacterial ointment
  •  travel-size packages of disposable alcohol prep pads
  •  travel-size petroleum jelly
  •  travel-size disposable tissues
  •  travel-size packages of disposable antibacterial hand wipes
  •  travel-size package of disposable personal wipes
  •  2-3 disposable adhesive bandages
  •  small washcloth
  •  small bottle of water
  •  small bottle of juice/Gatorade

You can customize the Kit by adding a verse or message of inspiration and feel free to add a treat if you like!

You can then donate the finished Kits to the Mission at 65 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20001, by contacting our Volunteer Coordinator, Marc O’Brien to set up a delivery time, at mobrien@missiondc.org.
Drop-Off Details



Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people


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