Drop-Off Details

All donations of clothing, food, sanitizing items and other gift-in-kind donations are accepted at the Mission’s Comprehensive Family Resource Center.

Comprehensive Family Resource Center

3194 Bladensburg Rd. NE, Suite B
Washington, DC 20018

*Note: The Comprehensive Family Resource Center is located down the driveway between the Popeye’s and the collision center.

Donation days and hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm.
*Closed on weekends, Christmas Eve, New Years Eve and all Federal holidays

The Mission’s Comprehensive Family Resource Center will be closed August 29, August 30, and September 2, 2024 for the Labor Day Holiday!

The Comprehensive Family Resource Center staff can provide assistance should you need help unloading any items. They’ll also provide you with a written donation acknowledgment for tax purposes.

A listing of acceptable donation items may be found here.

Prepared or ready-to-serve food donations

Donations of prepared, ready-to-serve food, in serving quantities of 300 or less, may be brought to our shelter located at 65 Massachusetts Ave, NW, between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm any day of the week. If you have any questions or require additional information about prepared food donations, please call 202-745-7118 ext. 233 to speak with Rick Snyder, Head of Food Services or email rsnyder@missiondcorg.



Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people


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