Comprehensive Family Resource Center Volunteer Opportunities

If you’re interested in any of the volunteer opportunities listed below, please click here to select a date and volunteer.

Donation Preparation

3 people
Help sort & organize clothing and household donations for distribution.


Clothing Assistant 

4 people
Move clothing and household donations into the clothing room.


Upkeep of Clothing Room

2 people
Clean up clothing room, pick up hangers, fold and organize clothing/households.
Help with guest checking-out of the clothing room.


Assist with Guest Check-in

2 people
Mon-Thurs. in October and then follow yellow days on the calendar for dates in Nov and Dec
9:00AM-10:30AM or 12:00PM-1:30PM or 2:30-4:00PM
Support front desk when guest arrive. Collect information, help register new guest.
*Spanish speaker for Wednesdays & Thursday mornings*
(Spanish Contact: Maria Esther Rodriguez)


Food Bag Preparation

4 people
10:00AM-12:00PM or 1:00PM-3:00PM
Assist with preparing food bags for distribution to guests.


Food Bag/Grocery Distributor

3 people
Mon-Thurs. in October and then follow yellow days on the calendar for dates in Nov and Dec
11:00AM-1:00PM or 1:00PM-3:00PM
Ensure proper amount of food is distributed to each guest.


Dock Support

2 people
Mon-Thurs. in October and then follow yellow days on the calendar for dates in Nov and Dec
Carry groceries for elderly or disabled. Help with unloading trucks; assist with moving or lifting heavy items.


Parking Attendant

2 people
Mon-Thurs. in October and then follow yellow days on the calendar for dates in Nov and Dec
8:30AM – 10:30AM or 12:00PM-2:00PM
Keep parking lot orderly, assist disabled and those with parking needs.


R & R Program: Greeter/Assistant

2 people
Mon.-Thurs. Yellow days on the calendar for dates in Nov and Dec
9:00AM-12:00PM or 12:30PM-3:30PM
Greet people as they arrive for the program. Assist with seating and handouts.
*Spanish service every Wednesday & Thursday mornings*
(Spanish Contact: Maria Esther Rodriguez)


Admin Support (Spanish)

4 people
Tues or Thurs.
Help make phone calls, assist with mailings, sort and organize for programs.
(Spanish Contact: Maria Esther Rodriguez)


Prayer Warrior

Pray over the requests submitted by the guests.

If you’re interested in any of the volunteer opportunities listed above, please click here to select a date and volunteer.



Your Gift of $115 helps 60 people


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